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公理邊緣劇情講了什麼 全劇情中文翻譯一覽


New Mexico 2005 美國新墨西哥州 2005

Trace,it's charged and ready. 垂斯,已經準備好了。

thanks ,ting the pulse now.謝謝,漢蒙德,現在開始吧。

If only it would work this time.希望這次一定能成功

That's weird;the beamlet was completely distorted.有點奇怪,這個線路有點不正常。

Trace,that's a problem 垂斯,出問題了。

what's that sound? 這是什麼聲音?

As the building collapsed on top of me,I knew it was all over.當大樓倒塌的時候,我就知道一切都完了。

My life,my goals -all fruitless.我的一生,我的理想,全都失敗了。

But if this were truly the end,if I'd simply died and stayed that way.但是如果我在這場事故中死去了,這樣故事也就結束了。

well,let's just say that everything would have been a lot different.好吧,其實呢,世界不知道怎麼了,發生了巨大的變化。


Trace,Wake up,Trace垂斯,醒醒,垂斯

happened? 額,發生了什麼?

e is next must get it.垂斯,隔壁房間有把槍,你一定要帶上它。

Wait,what's going on?Where are you?等等,什麼意思,你在哪裏?

Hello?Where am I?喂,我到底在哪?

is thie the gun that lady mentioned?Or did I just imagine her?這是剛才那個女人説的槍嗎?還是我幻聽了?

Sorry,I am very must go,now!Before he find you...

Before WHO find me?what’s going on?

I guess she’s gone again.


Gaaah!What just happened?哦,剛才發生了什麼?

You saved machines...你死掉了,我們救下了你的思維和大腦。

What?I'm sorry,miss,I think - HOPE - I'm misunderstanding d you try rephrasing that?什麼,抱歉,女士。我覺得,恩,我沒能理解這一切所發生的。你能在説一遍嗎?


Oh, is insane!I died?Am I ?天吶,這太瘋狂了,我死掉了?那我現在還是我嗎?


crap,I'm trapped 卧槽,我被困了


Woah,hey-you can talk!Listen,I'm,uh,lost,and...你能説話!我呢,走丟了,然後。。。



Trace,My name is Elsenova 垂斯,我的名字叫伊娃

Are you the voice I've been hearing? 我剛才聽見的聲音是你?

are connected through mind machine 是的,咱們兩個因為某種裝置思想連接在一起。

I need you to fix power filter...I am dying 我希望你能修理下能量過濾器,我現在狀態很不好

Power filter?Uh,I guess I can try;where is it? 能量過濾器嗎?我可以試試,那玩意在哪裏

Not near,I am sorry,I need rest now bye. 離得有點遠,不好意思,我現在需要休息,再見。

Hey,wait Where are we? 等等啊。。我到底在哪裏

This is definitely not good...這可真不太好啊


Oh crap... an even bigger one. 卧槽,一個更大的。


Look,I mean no harm!Please,can we just talk it out?你看,我沒有惡意,請聽我一言。


Yeah,ok!So my name is Trace,and I have no idea how I got here,but...好的。我叫垂斯,我不知道我為什麼在這裏,但是。。


Have it your way,then天吶,你真難交流。


Another one of these?另一個姐們?

Hello,miss?Are you awake?你好,小姐?你醒着嗎?

Trace,That is is in great need of repair drones.垂斯,這是維蘇卡,她現在特別需要修理。

She is very dangerous.. but is our ally.她現在狀況非常危險,不過是我們的盟友。

Dangerous?I mean, I'd figured you were sort orked supercomputers or something.危險?我的意思是。我認為你們是一種。。。聯網的超級計算機或者類似的什麼東西。

No Our word is "Rusalki" is r machine?But we have all been damage...並不是,我們是水仙女。像是一種量產型機器人?但是我們現在都被破壞了,

this situation you see is you can enable repair drones,it will greatly help.我們現在處於一種緊急狀態,如果你能讓修理兵蜂重新運行,這會對我們幫助很大。

So just the "Power Filter" isn't enough?光打開能量過濾器還不夠嗎?

That is bare minimum for survival...那只是最低的生存保障。

Okay,hang in ever you are,I'm not going to let you die without a fight.好吧,在這裏待好,不管你是什麼,我都不希望你還沒掙扎呢就死去。

Thank you..謝謝


Oh crap.卧槽


Here goes nothing...我還什麼都沒説呢。


Hopefully this is the "power filter" that Elsenova was talking about.太好了,這是伊娃曾經提到的能量過濾器。

Yes... I still need some time for poison to clear,but I will be OK now.幹得好,雖然我仍然還需要點時間去排除毒素,不過起碼現在狀態很好。

Are you well enough to tell me what's going on?那你現在可以告訴我究竟發生什麼了嗎?

Yes But it is long story.可以,但是這是一個很長的故事。

I'm listening.我會慢慢聽的。

There are two sides to universe-Worldstream and Breach.宇宙是由兩部分組成,世界流和時空隧道。(世界流是指很多個世界)

Breach is like storm- deadly,cannot be pass.時空隧道就像不可跨過的讓人致命的風暴。

This planet,Sudra,is designed to keep Breach in check.這個星球叫S星,是用來控制時空隧道的中樞。

But then,many years in past,a man came through.但是,很多年前,有一個人來到了這裏。

His name is Athetos.他就是老A。

Athetos is PatternMind-powerful manipulator.老A就是一切的幕後操作者。

He infected all of Sudra with pathogen.他在S星散播了病毒。

Only we survive-Rusalki,like me.只有我們水仙女倖存了。

To trap us,he used Breach Attractor.為了困住我們,他用了時空隧道的干擾器。

Breach surrounds entire world now,and we cannot leave.時空隧道包圍了整個世界流,我們已經不能離開了。

But Athetos is ,he will destroy us,and enter rest of Worldstream.老A贏了,不久,他就會催毀我們然後處理剩下的世界流。

Trace,my "sister"-Ophelia-find you in you,no other,can stop Athetos.垂斯,我的姐妹奧菲莉亞在時空隧道里找到了你。只有你,才能阻止老A。

She "found" me in this Breach? What exactly does that mean?她在時空隧道“找”到我?這是什麼意思?

Unfortunately,I am not Ophelia entered Breach,and she is damage.不好意思,我不清楚,只有奧菲莉亞進過時空隧道,她也被破壞得很嚴重。

Okay,so why me?The whole "chosen one" story doesn't inspire much confidence...好的,但是為什麼是我?這個被命運選中的故事並不怎麼鼓舞我的勇氣。

Only Ophelia is my next task,also:Enable repair drones to fix Ophelia and Other Rusalka.這你只能去問奧菲莉亞,那麼下一步要做的就是,讓修理兵蜂可以修理奧菲莉亞和其他水仙女。

Ophelia has way to circumvent pathogen,which you will want.奧菲莉亞知道怎麼規避病毒,這也是你所需要的。

Am I in danger?Or could I already be infected and not know it?我也有可能被感染?那我可能被感染了但是沒有察覺?

Pathogen is now in all creatures here... but you can heal inside ,maybe not?病毒現在存在於所有的生物裏,但是在蛋裏的並沒有感染,所以你也可能並沒有被感染。

Thanks for being so forthcoming about all this.謝謝你告訴我即將要面對的這些。

I'll help you - not that it seems like there's a I'm going to expect some answers from your friend.我會幫助你的,我也希望從你的同伴那裏得到更多的信息。

Okay,go.I am always watch you;if you need me,call.好的,出發吧,我一會一直看着你的,如果你需要和我聯繫就喊我。


It's an old labcoat,like from the laser gh the inner layer is s biomechanoid,like my the hell did it get here?這個實驗服已經很久了,好像是激光實驗室的。內部結構很奇特,和我的槍一樣好像是仿生物的,這些東西到底是從哪裏來的?


A syringe lying in the middle of a room?That's just a bit ominous.一個注射器放在這個屋子中間?看起來有點可疑。

This contains,how you say,small blood machines?Like in your can provide powerful se,take them!這裏面是一個關於血液的機器,他們可以提供火力支援,請帶上他們。

Don't tell me you want me to stick myself with this thing?不要説你希望我和這種東西合體?

Too late; I have transferred necessary info using near body will produce,now.晚了,我已經將所需要的信息都傳送好了,你的身體現在已經融合完畢了。

Injection over wireless?Somehow that's even MORE did you do to me?無線注入的?某種程度上來説更可怕啊,你到底對我做了什麼?

You will find this ,only works if you are uninjured.你會發現他們很有用的,但是,他們只在你無傷的時候管用。

Thanks- I guess.那我就。。多謝了。


Surprise,'s another giant,armed monster!看我發現了什麼,另一個巨人,武裝怪物。

WHO IS it?? ARE you DEMON?你是誰,你是惡魔嗎?

No, just a normal t me, I don't even want to be here.我只是一個普通人,相信我,我甚至不想在這裏。

It carries LOOKS like你拿着武器,而且看起來。。。


I only carry this gun to defend myself. If you just let me be, I won't use it.我拿着槍只是為了自保,如果你這樣認為,我可以不用槍的。。

CANNOT trust ot trust ATHETOS!But, to be safe.不能信任自己,不能信任老A。但是為了安全着想。


That one seemed almost reluctant to nova,what's going on?剛才它看起來不情願去戰鬥,伊娃,這是怎麼回事。

Athetos' soldiers were originally normal humans.老A的士兵原本都是普通的人類。

He used his pathogen to transform them.他用病毒改造了他們。

But, sometimes,they remember small part of who they once were.但是,有時候他們可以想起來一小部分他們曾經的記憶。

So I've been killing innocent people?所以我殺掉了無辜的人?

No They e most loyal to helped him spread pathogen.不,他們曾是,不過他們現在效忠老A,他們幫助老A散播病毒。

Okay,maybe they're not innocent,but still,they're there some way I could get by with NOT killing them?好吧,也許他們不是無辜的,但是,他們仍然是人類,有沒有什麼辦法我可以不殺掉他們?

least,I do not think ,Trace,if you had been would not want them to live,either.至少我認為是不可能,但是,垂斯,既然你在這裏就不必在乎他們的死活。


Trace, this was was ally of tried to kill us,but we stopped her.垂斯,這是卡蘇卡,她和老A是一夥的,她曾經想要殺死我們,但是我們沒有讓她得逞。

So she's of you look rather immobile,you did you even fight?所以她現在已經死了?你們看起來好像並不能動啊。你們是怎麼做到的?

was all we had after everyone then Athetos disabled even those.用兵蜂,大家不在以後這是我們唯一可以依靠的,但是現在老A停止了它們。


Thank you drones can now begin repairing us.感謝你,這些兵蜂已經開始對我們進行修理。

So what now?那麼下一步呢?

It would be good to make sure Ophelia is has way to bypass ,you wanted to ask her about Breach.最好去確認一下奧菲莉亞是否正在被修理,她有辦法避開病毒,關於時空隧道的事情你也正好問她。

That's the key to this whole thing,right?Athetos is using the Breach to trap you here while slowly killing you off?終於快到了所有問題的關鍵,老A用干擾器困住你們然後再慢慢殺死你們?

,ultimate goal is stopping Athetos,with secondary goal finging you will need to look for ways of reaching them.對的,最終目的是阻止老A,不過你要先找到奧菲莉亞,而你現在要做的就是找到通往她的路。

That makes 's see what I can find up ahead.好的,來看看我能不能找到的吧。



What the hell? Elsenova!Did you see that?剛才那個是什麼?伊娃,你看見了嗎?

Sorry,no,what did you see?抱歉,沒有,你剛才看見了什麼?

There was a man who looked just like me,standing over there,then he ran away!一個長相跟我一樣的人,站在那裏,然後跑掉了。

Very strange;I did not see this.這很奇怪,我並沒有看見。

I'm going after your eyes open! Or whatever it is you do.我在後面跟着他,不論你做什麼,一定要睜開眼睛看好了。


Hey you ! stop !喂,你,站住!

Trace,there is nothing.垂斯,那裏什麼都沒有。

He was right there.他剛才確實在那裏。

Trace, I think you must find Ophelia se,tell me if you see more strange things.垂斯,我覺得你最好快點找到奧菲莉亞,你再看到奇怪的東西請告訴我。

You mean that totally unironically,am I right?你的意思是現在情況很嚴重?


Whew,pretty hot in this place.哇,這裏太熱了吧。

thing's wrong;I don't feel well.額,伊娃,我感覺不太舒服。

I was afraid of tos's pathogen is starting to affect ,I think Ophelia is can try to keep calm.這正是我害怕發生的,老A的病毒這在侵害你,還好奧菲莉亞再附近,她可以治療你,你現在需要保持冷靜。

Thanks,Athetos.I mean k I'll just shut up and keep moving.謝謝,老A,不,我是説伊娃,不好意思。。我最好是閉嘴趕快趕路。


Well,it's about time.就是這個時候。

Oh, you Ophelia?不好意思,你是奧菲莉亞嗎

There's no such thing as Ophelia.這裏沒有奧菲莉亞

If there isn't,how did you even know what I was talking about?如果這裏沒有,你怎麼知道我説的是什麼。

You know the answer to that.你其實知道答案的

Beacuse you're a hallucination,right?That pathogen is making me see things?Crap,I'd better get moving.因為你出現了幻覺,這是病毒導致的。卧槽,我最好快點走。


Crap,I'm trapped!卧槽,我被困了。

Trace,please just stay put.I have made contact with Ophelia.垂斯,請等一等,我和奧菲莉亞連線了。

Elsenova,that man... from 's here!伊娃,這個男的,是之前的,他就在這裏


Wait,I'm no demon!Am I?等等,我不是惡魔,你是我?


I'm sorry,I'm so sorry!!!對不起,對不起。




Ugh... where am I?額。。我在哪裏?

is the trauma ward.這裏是病房,是安全的。

ything bad is it?一切都毀了。有多嚴重?

This may be hard to accept, injuries were will neither walk,nor see,ever again.也許這很難接受,但是。。你的傷勢很重,你可能會喪失行走能力和視力。

I remember e I'd assumed this was all connected to the lab explosion... in fact,that was just an unrelated accident.我還記得,我曾經以為這與實驗室爆炸有關係,但事實上,那只是一場事故而已。

A frozen pressure valve,of all could I have forgotten?I'd survived the blast,and awoken.是冷凍壓力閥爆炸了,我怎麼就忘了呢,我在爆炸中活了下來。

And for months,was locked in darkness.I was broken.但是我受傷了,在幾個月內都昏迷中。

Not just blind,but as I lay there helpless,thinking...我不光是喪失了視力和行走能力,在牀上的我每天只能胡思亂想。

I had an idea that would become a scientific breakthrough.有一天我突然想到了什麼,那是一個科學上的重大突破。

I worked with ond,who had recovered ther,we published a new Theory of Everything.我和漢蒙德一起工作,他已經完全恢復了。我們一起出版了一個新的學説。

It was a rewriting of media got wind,and loved the physics community decried it as pseudoscience.那是一篇物理學説,通過媒體宣傳了出去,但是物理學會説這是偽科學。

I was given a nickname:"Athetos" - without place. That's where the memories end.我被加入了學會的黑名單。然後被給予了一個名字:老A。這就是我能想起來的記憶了。

Over a year of my life,completely somehow,I'm him ,nova knows she thinks that I don't...有一年以上的記憶我都全部忘記了。某種意義上,我就是他,我就是老A。。伊娃或許知道的,但是她覺得不可能。


So I’m .所以,我仍然在這裏。

I've cleared out the nanogates should take care of the rest.我已經消除了你體內的病毒,你需要自己去對付下剩下的。

Trace,this is is she who brought you to Sudra.垂斯,這就是奧菲莉亞,就是她帶你來到S星的。

Okay, exactly would you do that?好吧,奧菲莉亞,我想知道為什麼你會這麼做?

Several reasons,but mainly because you,like Athetos,are a PatternMind.這有好多種原因,但是最主要的是你比較像老A,包括思維模式

It means only you could survive Athetos' also makes you the only person capable of using Athetos' weapons,like that short,you were the only chance we had to defeat him.這就是説只有你可以在老A的病毒下存活,而且你也可以使用老A各種各樣的武器,比如這把槍。簡單點説,你是我們唯一的希望去打敗老A。

So what makes Athetos and I "PatternMinds"?Something we were born with,or something that happened?那又是什麼讓我和老A很像呢?這是天生的還是發生了什麼導致的?

To be honest,we don't in the Brench,there are many tos came from one,so that's where we started.説實話我們不知道,在時空隧道里又有很多世界。老A從一個世界而來,那就是我們出生的地方。

I entered the Breach,where I learned about PatternMinds-special individuals who can manipulate reality at will.我在時空隧道瞭解到,老A這種特殊思維模式的人幾乎可以隨意操作現實。

Using a special device called a Scry,we searched for another PatternMind that could stop him.我們發現另一個有特殊思維模式的人可以阻止老A。

We found only you,on your world-Earth-and extracted know for sure that you're a PatternMind,but not were hoping YOU could tell us that.我們在你的世界-地球上找到並帶走了你,我們確定你是一個有特殊思維模式的人,但是不知道原因,我們本來希望你能告訴我們的。

Nope.I'm pretty I'm fairly confident there's no secret magic going on in my DNA or you sure you're not leaving something out?不對,我是一個極其普通的人。我很確定的認為我的體內沒有什麼特殊的。你確定沒在我的體內留下什麼東西?

We are rdless,you are doing ch attractor - and Athetos - are in elevator above us.我們確定,不管怎麼樣,你目前做的很好,時空隧道干擾器和老A在最上層。

Destroy it,and we can take care of getting inside may take some time yet.破壞它,我們可以對付剩下的問題。但是你到達那裏還要很長時間。

And then?那麼之後呢?

You are send you back home.你的任務完成,我們送你回家。

s like I'm off to see the wizard,then...哇。那麼我為了回家還是趕快行動吧。


Oh God,what the hell is this?哦,天吶,這TM是哪裏?


Trace that is ted e of Athetos.垂斯這個是老A的失敗克隆體。

This is how Athetos makes soldiers.這就是老A製造士兵的方式。

do I do?Can't he be healed?那我該做些什麼呢?他還能復原嗎?

It is too 's should not even have survived this long.已經晚了,他已經快死了,他甚至不應該能活這麼長時間的。

I've had it.I can't do this anymore.I know I'm some messed up way,I'm tell me, now,what the hell is going on?我殺死了他,我再也不想這麼做了。我知道我就是他,我就是老A。告訴我,我現在到底會怎麼樣?


It's are Athetos - or would be,if you continued on as you you were not one of these Athetos that made these is much ged.是的,你是老A,或者説如果你也像老A一樣一路走來的話,你也會像老A一樣,不過你並不是老A的克隆體,老A是以後的你,而你還年輕是可以選擇自己的道路。

After Athetos arrived here,we discovered it was not for first time.在老A到這裏之後,我們發現這並不是他第一次來這裏。

He apparently made his way here once before,when he was your nd has it he was kinder, he used one of the rebirth chambers.很明顯,他在你這個年紀的時候曾經來過這裏。傳説他那個時候很友好的而且曾用過重生室。

Let me get this straight; I came here at some point years ago,before this plague happened?讓我整理一下你説的,我曾經來過這裏,在這裏病毒散播之前?

you used a rebirth chamber.是啊,你打算用重生室去獲得健康的身體。

The red mechanical egg I woke up clearly that wasn't the first time,or we'd have no Athetos.是我醒來時的那個紅色的機械蛋?但是確實感覺這並不是第一次了。

The original exited the chamber and became Athetos;可是最後你的本體逃離了重生室然後成為了老A。

you are a copy made from the data left gambled that a much younger Athetos would be you would help us.你是用留下的數據複製而成的,我們賭了一把,認為年輕的老A會不一樣,你或許會幫助我們。

So why don't I remember coming here?Copy or not,I shouldn't have had any sense of time passage.那為什麼我不記得來到這裏的事情。不論我是不是複製的,我都不應該對時間有任何感覺。

It should have felt like any other time I stepped into an egg and stepped immediately out.我應該感覺像在某個時間進入了蛋內然後馬上走出來。

We don't of this happened long ago - hundreds of years ago, degredation?What exactly do you remember?我們不知道,這是都在很久之前發生的,可能幾百年前。數據損壞了嗎?你現在還記得什麼?

You made Athetos want to attack this world?Or is that part even true?先回答我的問題,是什麼讓老A想攻擊這個世界?這一切真的是現實嗎?

It is true. It is entire reason we are here.這是真的,這是我們在這裏的原因。

The years have changed him, was in the Breach for a long don't know what happened there.是時間改變了他,垂斯。他曾在時空隧道待了很多時間。我們不知道那裏發生了什麼。

I need to talk to 'll tell me what's going 's what I'd do.我需要和他談談,他會告訴我發生了什麼,這是我需要做的。

will continue as planned.不,你要按計劃行事。

And how are you going to make me do that,exactly?你要怎麼強迫我去這麼做呢。

Like this.就像這樣。

GAAAAH!!!Something's wrong! I'm ...I'm-啊啊啊。好難受。。。

GAAAAH!!Holy crap, that was excruciating!啊啊啊。TMD,這太痛苦了。


Trace,are you okay?垂斯,你好嗎。

Hell NO!!What just happened?當然不好,剛剛發生了什麼。

hates ,as you pointed out,you are him.伊娃,她太痛恨老A了,尤其是當你指出你就是老A。

Just now,what happened to me - did she..?是她?她對我做了什麼?

can shut down your nanogates at any time.I brought you goes much faster with your help.是的,她可以在任何時間停止你的思想,我讓你重啟了。畢竟在你的幫助下計劃會快很多。

Please,find Athetos and speak with him,if that's what you don't have to fight just need the Breachattractor shut you do that?如果你想的話,那就請你找到老A談一談,你不需要和他戰鬥。我們只是需要讓B時間的干擾器關閉,你能做到嗎?

no killing him.好的,但不要傷害他。

Agreed.I'm going to talk to 'll come around.好的,我去和伊娃談一談,她會來的。

In case you were wondering what our bodies look like.話説你是不是在想我們的身體是什麼樣子的。

What are you talking about?Those big things back there?你在説什麼?你們身體也很龐大嗎?

Hundreds of years old,but, or self-repairing technology has its limits.很多年前是這樣的,那時候還是完全體。不過現在自我修復的能力有限。

So,you have I supposed to help attach your heads onto these things?所以,你是有身體的?需要我幫你把頭接到身體上嗎?

I don't thing that's repair drones will be more than I wanted to prepare you for what is to come.那就沒有必要了。修理兵蜂足夠了。我希望你去為接下來做準備。


That is the word in Elsenova's language.這是伊娃語裏的一個詞。

These things are do you even need me?你們都這麼厲害,為什麼需要我呢?

You're still the only one who can get close enough to Athetos to disable the Breach Attractor.因為你是唯一可以接近老A的人,我們需要你去破壞時空隧道的干擾器。

But, you're right - one on one against our true forms,he wouldn't pose even a slight threat.但有句話你説對了,如果用我們的真實形態來一對一的話,他一點威脅都算不上。

Ah, one doesn't even look partially human.卧槽,從這點來看還真不像是一個人類啊。


Trace! Trun back!This place is ... artifact.垂斯,快回來,這個地方是虛擬和現實之間。

Like some kind of dimensional rift?What if there's something I need in here?就像是某種空間斷層嗎?我是不是能在這裏找到什麼?

is tsam,ed by Breach.不,這裏太危險了。這裏是時空隧道造成的扭曲空間。

Is there radiation or something in here?Well ,that's not exactly reassuring.這裏有沒有輻射啊?好吧,聽起來並不是那麼安全。




es repaired my body before other e,I am sorry for my reaction earlier.是的,兵蜂修理好了我的身體。垂斯,我對之前的行為表示抱歉。

You should not carry blame for Athetos' crimes.你不應該為老A的罪行贖罪。


Ahead is elevator to Breach;Athetos is inside.前面就是通往時空隧道的電梯,老A就在裏面。

I do not ask you to kill shut down Breach attractor.我不會要求你去殺了他,只要關了干擾器就行。

But,he will try to stop always,there is weak and destroy Breach recedes,I can help.但是,老A一定會阻礙你的,畢竟那是一個關鍵點,找到並且催壞它,一旦干擾器壞掉,我會來幫助你的。

But I cannot survive in Breach,so,be tos lives,okay?We can lock him up or no killing.但是我不能在時空隧道里久留,你一定要小心,我們可以將老A鎖住而不去殺掉他。

No killing.好的,不殺掉他。

Thank ,This is you?謝謝。那麼,這就是你本來的樣子嗎?

I was it frighten you?我本來就是一個士兵。這嚇到你了嗎?

I think I was already at some point beyond fear.我感覺我已經不知不覺忘記害怕了。

Ah,crap.I forgot what I was going to ks for se don't kill me again.哦,天吶,我忘記我本來打算説的,謝謝你的道歉,請不要再一次殺掉我了。

I won' tos is cannot trust him.我不會的,請小心,老A很狡猾,你不要相信他。

I'll keep that in mind.我會記住的。


So,it's you.那麼,就是你嘍。

Yes,I have been wondering when you'd 's been a long time since I've seen another human...就是我,我還在想你什麼時候會來呢,距離我上一次看見人類已經過了很長時間了。

What is this contraption you're in?Are you okay?你在什麼玩意裏面?你還好嗎?

It protects me from the pathogen.I previously used a much more portable the Rusalki destroyed it.這能保護我不被病毒感染,本來我以前用些更方便可攜帶的裝置,不過都被水仙女破壞了。

This ungainly machine merely prolongs my demise.這些破機器只是在延遲我的死亡而已。

Is it true that you released the pathogen on the whole world?Intentionally?是你在全世界散播了病毒?你是故意的?


Then you'd better do some explaining.那你最好做一些解釋。

If I tell you too much,your captor will have to kill you.如果我告訴你的太多,你的同伴會殺死你的。

But,try this:Long ago,this world - Sudra - was the doorway to an unrivaled a port on the way to the greatest nation ever envisioned.但是,告訴你也行,很多年前,這個世界,S星,是通往強大文明的大門,就像一個直通最偉大國家的港口。

But the port had a the time I came,they barely remembered who they were.但是這個港口有一天倒塌了,而這時我來到了這裏,這裏的人都不知道他們自己是誰。

They regarded their own technology with superstition and religious I first crossed the Breach from Earth to Sudra,I was expecting to find enlightenment.他們把科技和宗教信仰結合在一起,當我第一次從地球到S星的時候,我曾期待得到他們文明的啟示。

Instead,I discovered that they were using the Breach to keep out the greater universe.而我發現的是,他們用時空隧道封鎖了廣闊的宇宙。

In their superstitious culture,the outside universe is this,I do not regret removing the main obstacle in my path.在他們的信仰中,外面的世界是禁忌。我不會後悔我所做的,他們是我道路上最大的障礙。

You'd resort to genocide just for that?你就因為這個犯下滅絕種族的大罪?

Imagine millennia of scientific,cultural,and technological progress.想象一下,千年的科學,文明,科技的進步。

A civilization so advanced that our world is paleolithic by comparison that is what lies beyond the breach.當我們還是石器時代的時候他們的文化已經如此先進,這些都是在時空隧道的另一端。

Death,disease,war,famine - these could become things of the past.死亡,疾病,戰爭,饑荒-這些都成為了過去。

But the Sudrans were was the forbidden loss of a single people balanced against the whole of else could I choose?但是S大特別頑固,他説這是禁果的。一個人的自私和整個人類社會的進步做比較,你又會怎麼選擇?

Well,you did have the Breach Attractor not just shut it down?好的,你做到了,你現在擁有時空隧道干擾器,但你為什麼現在不關掉它呢?

The Rusalki were the flaw in my are masters of I disable the Breach Attractor,I free them, too.水仙女是我計劃中沒有算到的,他們是戰爭的主宰者,如果我關閉干擾器就會解放他們。

But Trace ,with you at my side,we have a you help me?但是垂斯,如果你站在我這邊,那我們還有機會,你會幫助我嗎?

Hmm,let me think about that for a ,I've thought about it,and my answer 恩,讓我想一會,好吧,我已經考慮好了,我的答案是,滾。


So be it ,then. 隨你想


So... it appears I have lost.我竟然輸了。

Elsenova! We did it! The Breach is gone.伊娃。我們做到了,干擾器已經不在了。

I'm sorry,but there is one more thing I need to do.我對我接下來所做的表示抱歉。

You're going to kill him,aren't you?He can't do anything leave him!你打算殺了他,是嗎?他現在什麼都做不了,放他走吧。

Unfortunately that's not a chance we can take.這不是我們可以選擇的。

This was inevitable, not blame yourself.這是不可避免的,垂斯,不要責怪自己。


So that's it.I'll never know if...I if he could have been redeemed?這下我永遠不會知道老A會不會為他所做的贖罪了。

Trace,you are not chose wrongly,not now it is time for you to go home.垂斯,你不是他,他選擇了錯誤的道路,而你不會,現在是時候送你回家了。

Go home?As the clone of a mass murderer?What's even there for me?回家?作為一個大規模殺人兇手的克隆體回去嗎?這裏又怎麼辦?

Do not worry,we have taken care of it.不要擔心,我們會處理好的。

What's happening?...I'm suddenly exhausted...發生了什麼?我突然感覺有點累了。


Perhaps we'll meet again sometime?或許我們以後還會再見面的。



As for what happened next..那麼接下來發生了什麼事情呢

I was this was was as if nothing ever happened.我回來了,但是有些不一樣,這裏就像什麼都沒有發生一樣。

The laser lab had still collapsed,but I was uninjured and nobody else seemed to think that was strange.實驗室還是倒塌的,但我並沒有受傷而且好像似乎沒有人覺得這很奇怪。

I didn't stick around much longer.I tried to go back to my former like,but it g.我並沒有待太長的時間,我再一次去做我以前想做的事情,但是感覺有些不對勁。

I didn't know who I was anymore,or where I belonged.I had to get back to find the truth of things.我很迷茫,我不知道我是誰,不知道我屬於哪裏。我想回到S星,去尋找真實。

I started with what I'd learned there.I was determined to get to the bottom of was all had left.我從頭再來,我決定要達到真實,這是我唯一想做的。

I've almost got a bit 's there?Athetos!?我幾乎快要到達真實了,只差一點點了,誰在哪裏?老A?

There's no use running from your own to wake up,Trace.



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