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> 丘法 魔獸世界灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵彙總 wow灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵大全

丘法 魔獸世界灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵彙總 wow灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵大全

− 丘法 Choofa ...

丘法 魔獸世界灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵彙總 wow灰燼王庭全NPC好感度獎勵大全

Hey $p, I was just trying to wake up Rury when your letter came. Hours of my shouting at him couldn't get him to budge, but the moment he heard you'd wrote us a letter, he perked right up. Figures, heh. Anyway, we all like the plan you're thinking of for the next Ember Court. Sounds like it'll be a blast! We're going to get an invitation, I assume. It wouldn't be right to tease us with the details and then not ask us to come... right? Right?! Waiting for that invitation, Choofa and the gang

嘿,$p, 在我想喚醒魯力的時候,你的信剛好來了。 我衝他吼了幾個小時,都沒能讓他動彈。可是他一聽到你寄來了信,突然就打起了精神。人吶,呵呵。 反正我們都很喜歡你對下一場灰燼王庭的安排。聽起來就很棒! 我們會想辦法獲得一份邀請的。你總不會把精彩內容都告訴了我們,結果卻不請我們去吧? 對不對?

靜候邀請, 丘法和朋友們

I gotta make this one quick, $p. I can't go into all the details, but let's just say that I MIGHT have squirreled away some leftover fireworks from the last few Ember Courts. And I MIGHT have decided to use them to scare the walnuts outta Lady Moonberry. Now I'm on the run. Lady Moonberry swore to get me back real good, and she doesn't do halfway when it comes to pranks! I'm hoping she thinks Rury did it. He'll be easy to catch! Send more fireworks! Choofa-on-the-run

我長話短説,$p。 我沒法説細節了,我“可能”在前面幾場灰燼王庭中捎走了一些剩下的煙火。我也“可能”用它們嚇壞了月莓女勛爵。 我現在只能開溜了,月莓女勛爵發誓要給我點顏色看看,而她要搞惡作劇可從來不會半途而廢! 希望她以為是魯力乾的,畢竟抓他比較方便!

再送點煙火來! 落跑的丘法

Hey buddy! I gotta say, your letter made me even more excited for the next Ember Court. My hype level is cranked to eleven! So when's it gonna happen? Slanknen won't stop asking me about it, and Awool's giving me his go-to grumpy stare from across the grove. To be honest, the stare is probably my fault, but Slanknen's curiosity isn't! You gotta give me some details to share with him. Or better yet, swing by Tirna Vaal and bring us our invitation in person! It'd be fun to see you. Keep partying, Choofa

嘿,朋友! 你的信讓我更期待灰燼王庭了。我的興奮指數已經爆表了! 所以什麼時候舉辦呢?斯蘭克寧一直問個不停,而阿烏爾也隔着整片林子向我投來惱怒的目光。 坦白地説,憤怒目光多半是我不好。但是斯蘭克寧和我可沒關係!你最好分享一些細節,讓我跟他説説。 或者你可以直接到瓦爾仙林來轉轉,親自給我們發邀請函! 能見到你一定很愉快。

聚會不停歇, 丘法

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