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> 大媽 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼

大媽 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼


二老開局為了維持生計被我拖出去跑地圖,醖釀半天的背刺才掉半管血愣是被人反擊直接死在槍口下,讓我想起海明威的那句“在現代戰爭中,人可能像一條狗一樣毫無意義地死去。”大媽的自我介紹裏也細數自己那些為數不多的能力:“I have good administrative and logistical skills.”“I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids.”“I have a driver's license.”大媽自己也醒悟過來這只是個笑話,我們在和平年代擁有的一切,放到戰爭年代的價值尺碼下衡量都不值一文。細細清算下我們的“資本”吧,出色的學歷,體面的薪資,以及單刷副本無傷過關的風騷操作什麼的,乍看上去比大媽似乎多樣了些,但是終歸也逃不過大媽對其擁有的一切的總結——“won't be of any use, given the circumstances”傻子才會在和平年代為自己積累戰爭年代所需的生存技能,頭頂上空來回飛的似乎只可能是鳥而不是炮彈,但是一旦確實是炮彈,設想一覺醒來突兀的戰火就爆發在自己的身邊,大媽選擇了勇敢地去面對,面對這樣一位幾乎一無所適還身帶殘疾的大媽,你的操作請帶點誠意,幫她重見自己念念不忘的學生和孩子們臉上綻放的笑靨。Description

大媽 這是我的戰爭劇情內容 這是我的戰爭人物故事是什麼


"Oh dear, that is embarrassing. I know I'm not much of an asset in this terrible situation. I have good administrative and logistical skills, which won't be of any use, given the circumstances. I'm told I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids. On the other hand, perhaps it's good that they don't have to suffer here with us... What else? I have a driver's license... sorry, that was my poor attempt at a joke."

Cveta's Story


"It's terribly quiet here, don't you think?... Ah, no, of course not, what with all the shooting and bombing. I just mean... This is my job conditioning showing, I'm afraid. You see, I'm a teacher. An elementary school principal."

"With the start of the siege, the attendance fell, as many parents chose to keep their kids home. One young man advised me to cover the windows with mattresses from the gym. "That's silly, children need the light to read", I said, "and besides, it's not like anyone is going to target the school!""

"Parents were right. Just to appease their fears, I moved the classes to more sheltered rooms. And that saved the children when the army landed a shell right in front of the school - the window panes shattered, but the hail of glass shards fell on empty benches and seats. We covered the windows after that."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta is alive.

"The war didn't extinguish the flame that drove Cveta to give everything to her calling. And one day, she got a visit from a former pupil - the same who made a frantic call one Friday to make sure that his old school had really been evacuated."

Alternate Ending

"Cveta saved her own life, but not the internal fire that gave it a purpose. Disillusioned and bitter, she never returned to teaching and withdrew from public life, scraping a living on her meager disability pension"

The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta is dead.

"What answers could have Cveta found for all the difficult questions her pupils could pose, had she lived to see the end of the war? Now the children will have to find them on their own."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta commits suicide.

"Bitter, unable to face the harsh reality of war any longer, Cveta committed suicide. Her students will have to rely on someone else to help them recover from the trauma of war."

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